BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20240426T152503 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20170817T000000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20170817T043000Z LOCATION:Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier SUMMARY:2017 All Industry Cruise DESCRIPTION:All Aboard! \nJoin us on August 16th, 2017, for the 13th Annual Hospitality Industry Party, aboard the Inspiration Hornblower! Enjoy this opportunity to mix & mingle with members of 12 different associations in the hospitality industry. \nEvent Includes: \n \nA cruise around San Diego Bay \n2 drink tickets \nScrumptious and Fun California Hors d’oeuvres & Food Stations \nLive Entertainment \nA variety of activities \nAnd, of course, NETWORKING! \n \nDon’t forget to tag us in your photos! Use hashtag #AICsd2017 \nCheck out who is attending... ATTENDEE LIST \n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR